Sick Policy
If you are feeling unwell or have a cold or flu that is just starting, we please ask that you cancel your time with us and reschedule your appointment to another day. We will do the same for you too. We all need to do our part and try to avoid spreading any sickness or colds and flus around, no one likes to be under the weather this causes us huge setbacks, and we value your time too much to disrupt it… After you have had a decent amount of recovery time but you or we are still sounding sick with some minor symptoms we should all be considerate and wear a mask for one another. I know we should be past this mask wearing but during cold and flu season I think its safer than not… We still have lots and can provide that for you. We thank you for your understanding and appreciate you!
Our Policy
To ensure that we are running on time for your appointment and all others, we can only allow a 10-minute grace period for all scheduled appointment times. Should you arrive 10 or more minutes late we may have to reschedule your appointment time depending on other scheduled appointments that day. A $25-$100 cancellation fee will apply. The amount due would be depending on the service booked that day. Please understand that in our industry this is loss of income for us there is no corporation paying us for our time when you no show or come late we don’t get compensated.
As a courtesy, you will always receive an appointment reminder of 48 hours in advance of your visit.
There is always a wait list.... so please give us a minimum of 24 (we prefer 48) hours notice if cancelling your appointment or unfortunately you will incur a $25-$100 missed appointment fee. The amount would be depending on the service booked that day. This also goes for any appointments missed without notice as well. We do understand that things come up and life happens but if you happen to cancel your appointments consistently with us we may not re book you for future appointments this is really hard on our scheduling and we cannot run a business successfully when there are so many inconsistencies.
In case of personal illness, injury, or emergency, one of our lovely coworkers will step in so you can keep your scheduled time. We of course will contact you to let you know or reschedule if there is a conflict.
We want you to love your hair, please contact us within 7 days of your original appointment so that we can fix and make you love it the way you should, this is important to us to hear from you because sometimes products don’t process properly for different reasons, and we like to know about it so we can fix it and that would be on us.
Unfortunately, if you just don’t like what you asked for because it doesn’t look like you thought it would on yourself, we do understand that and will do an adjustment for you but that will have a charge like a normal appointment would. Please understand that we still provided the service you asked for and that our time and costs of product needs to be valued.
Thank you,
The Grand Salon girls